Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Believe it or not, newspapers are no longer just for recycling.

We all know that everyone has a huge stack of newspapers in their home or apartment. And why, I must ask? We think maybe some day we will go back to clip an article? Highly doubtful. In today's modern lives, we are too busy for many things. If you were saving that periodical for your dream scrapbook, well, I am sorry dear, it is probably strayed a long time ago. However, we don't have to sit and stare at the never ending mass of news reminiscence anymore. I am going to share 10 ways to shorten your stack and keep more out of landfills.


1. Line a birdcage- Layer your bird/animal cage for easy cleanup.

2. Dry Shoes- Stuff paper in your shoes overnight. This helps to absorb the water and prevent smells.

3. Keep fruits and Veggies Fresh- Line the bottom of your fruit and veggie drawers in the fridge with a few sheets of newspaper to absorb excess moisture and any odors.

4. Gift Wrap
- The comics section makes a fun. Or use the black and white and add a touch of color with markers!

5. Traction for your Tires- No four-wheel drive? No problem, keep a small stack of newspapers in the trunk of your car in case you get stuck. Simply place a small stack of newspapers under each rear wheel, and you can get all the traction you need to get your car out of the snow or mud.

6.Prep your garden- Designate a patch of lawn to use for your next year's garden of fruits and veggies. Cover it with a few layers of newspaper, then a four-inch layer of shredded leaves or bark mulch and hose it down till it’s saturated. In the spring, your compost blanket will have killed the grass, roots and all, and the bed will be ready for planting.

7.Wall Paper -You can use newspaper as wall paper. Simply get starch, soak the newspaper in the starch (dip the paper in the starch get it good and wet) then stick it on the wall, make sure there are no bubbles.

8. Ripen tomatoes. Wrap them individually and leave them out at room temperature. Check every few days. They will soon be fully ripened and ready for eating.

9.Paper Mache Beads- Rip your newspapers into tiny pieces and dump them into a large pot. Pour in just enough boiling water to cover the paper. Cover and let it sit for 1 hour. You can then add some glue and mold away.

10. Kitty Toy -Stuff enough newspaper into an homeless sock for an instant crinkle toy.

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